

Peru is a marvelous and magical country. Its cultural and geographical variety guarantee to the traveler an incredible experience, creating great memories for whole life. Peru is called as the land of the Incas because here the Inca Empire was born, its wonder of the world Machu Picchu, attest to this. It has three different regions, each with its own climate and extraordinary variety of eco-systems, a wide diversity of animals and plants.

The Pacific Coast

the arid desert predominates between the sea and the mountains, comprising of desert areas, beautiful beaches and fertile valleys. December to April, temperature from 25°F to 35°C (hot and dry) May to November, temperature rarely drops below 12°C

The Sierra (Andes)

the Andes are the longest mountain chain in the world and the youngest running from the tip of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.
Dry Season: May to October (average temperatures in Fahrenheit/Celsius: highs 65°F/18°C lows 45°F/7.22°C)
Rain Season: November to April (average temperatures in Fahrenheit/Celsius: highs 70°F/24°C lows 50°F/10°C)
In the Andes you could experience 4 seasons in one day so come prepared. Lately temperatures have been rather warmer than usual and has rained during dry season. Thus, the weather now is unpredictable.

The Jungle

Peru has the second largest portion of the Amazon after the Brazilian Amazon. The Peruvian Amazon jungle is one of most biologically diverse areas on the planet. The Amazon is divided in two different areas: Lowland Jungle (Selva) or Amazon Basin: This ecoregion is the largest of Peru (from 80 and 1,000 meters above sea level). Warm temperatures averaging 82°F/28°C, relatively high humidity.

Highland Jungle (Selva Alta):

This ecoregion extends into the eastern foothills of the Andes from 1,000 and 3,800meters above sea level. There are a variety of fauna and flora due to the different altitudes and climates in this region. In the lowlands you feel warmer temperatures and in the higher altitudes’ cooler temperatures.

Peru – UNESCO World Heritage List

  • City of Cusco 1983
  • Machu Picchu 1983 (also one of the Seven Wonders of the World)
  • Chavin Archeological site (1985)
  • Huascaran National Park 1985
  • Chan Chan Archeological zone 1986
  • Manu National Park 1987
  • Historic Centre of Lima 1988
  • Río Abiseo National Park (1990)
  • Lines and Geoglyphs of Nazca and Pampas de Jumana (1994)
  • Historical Centre of the city of Arequipa 2000
  • Sacred City of Caral-Supe (2009)
  • Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System (2014)


Taste Peruvian gastronomy, recognized as one of the best in the world, prepared with fresh ingredients, distinct herbs, potatoes, meats, fish, etc. The Cuisine fusion was developed from indigenous cultures, Spanish, African, Italian, Chinese and Japanese cultures. Savor the delicious Peruvian dishes from the Coast (ceviche), Sierra (Andean food) and the Amazon jungle. There are also many international restaurants here in Peru for your liking. Try our famous Pisco (made from grapes) prepared in many different ways. Eat your way through Peru!


Cusco was once known as the, Navel of the World, due to its 4 regions of the Inca Empire where the Incas authority extended. The Inca City of Cusco was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1983

Machu Picchu

Uniquely in South America, Machu Picchu was declared in 1981 a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary and later in 1983, it becomes a UNESCO world Heritage site. Machu Picchu also, has been designated cultural heritage of humanity in recognition of its political, religious and administrative importance during the age of the Incas. In 2007, was declared one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Lake Titicaca

Considered the highest navigable lake in the world at 3812m. The lake is over 190 km long and 64 km wide and reaches a maximum depth of almost 300 meters.

Colca Canyon

While in Colca Canyon enjoy adventure and nature by taking some day hikes. Visit the Cruz del Condor for splendid sightseeing of the powerful condors in flight soaring above the canyon.

The Amazon (Tambopata / Manu and Iquitos)

The Amazon is famous for the natural wildlife, plant life and exceptional microclimate. A unique and diverse ecosystem offers to the visitors and great jungle experience.

Nazca lines

No one knows the purpose of the lines and the date they were designed which could have been before the Nazca civilization. There are speculations that they could have been created by Aliens and also considered landing sites for aliens. These mysterious lines are only fully viewable from the air.

Mancora Beach

Mancora is a beach town located in the Talara Province, in the Piura region in Northwestern Peru. The beaches are known for its turquoise waters and terrific waves making it a good surfing destination.
There are many beach resorts to choose from. The main street is full of restaurants, cafes, bars and night clubs with a lively scene. Come lay in the sandy beaches and surf the waves.

Best time to travel

Dry Season: From May to October Wet Season: From November to April. High season is usually from April to October and during the Christmas holiday but people still travel during low season November to March because there are less tourists. **Nowadays, it has been raining in dry season. The weather is unpredictable so be prepared for 4 seasons in one day.


The most common sickness is the “soroche” altitude sickness and suffered in the Andean Regions of Huaraz, Arequipa, Puno and Cusco. Altitude affects everyone differently, most only suffer a slight headache and a small percentage may need medical assistance. Please consult your doctor before traveling if you suffer from heart disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure or other ailments that could be worsened by high elevations. We recommend upon arriving to high altitudes that you drink plenty of water, muña tea, coca tea but not in the evening, eat light meals and no alcohol on the first day. Try to walk around or do a short tour to acclimatize. If you are traveling to the jungle please use mosquito repellent and flying-insect spray which contains a pyrethroid insecticide; to help clear rooms of mosquitoes. Wear light weight long sleeved shirts and pants and a hat to wear outside. The lodge will have bed nets.


There are no mandatory vaccines for entry into Peru. If you visit the Amazonian region of the country, the Ministry of Health recommends vaccinations against yellow fever but not mandatory because the tourist areas in the Amazon are free of yellow fever.

Money Exchange

The official currency in Peru is the Sol. There are many currency exchange services in the airports, banks and ATMs in the large cities of Peru. We recommend withdrawing your currency or the Sol at the ATM in the bank during business hours for your safety. Credit cards are accepted in most fine restaurants and stores for your convenience.

Stay connected

You can purchase a SIM card at the Lima airport or any city in Peru to use in your unlocked phone. All hotels, Cafes and Restaurants have Wifi for your convenience.

Electricity in Peru

Electricity in Peru operates on a 220-volt current and a 60-Hertz frequency. If you want to use a 110-volt appliance in Peru, you’ll need to buy a power adapter, but always check before spending money as many modern laptops and digital cameras can safely take both 110 and 220 volts because they are dual-voltage. Many of Peru’s more luxurious hotels have outlets for 110-volt appliances, specifically for foreign tourists with foreign-made electrical items—these outlets should be clearly labeled, but always check if you’re unsure. There are two types of electrical outlets in Peru. One accepts two-pronged plugs with flat, parallel blades (Type A), while the other takes plugs with two round prongs (Type C), and many Peruvian electrical outlets are designed to accept both types.


Peru is considered one of the twelve megadiverse countries of the world, due to its 25,000 species of plants, 2,000 species of fish, more than 500 species of mammals and 300 species of reptiles, bird species, animal life, insects etc.


Peru celebrates about 3,000 festivals every year singing, dancing, playing music, eating and drinking. The major festivals are, Corpes Cristi, Inti Raymi, Virgin of the Candelaria in Puno, Carnival, Virgen del Carmen and many more.