Iquitos Peruvian Amazon jungle is one of most biologicallydiverse areas on the planet

North Jungle (Cruises And Lodges)

Iquitos is located in the Loreto Region, which covers most of the northern Amazon in Peru. It is known as the capital of the Peruvian Amazon due to size and population. It is fed by the Amazon, Nanay and Itaya Rivers. This part of the Amazon is only accessible by air or river.

Many travelers travel to Iquitos to spend time in nature in the lodges observing natural wildlife and plant life. Take a voyage in a luxury cruise traveling down the Amazon River swimming with pink dolphins, visiting the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, the largest protected flooded forest in the world, and much more. Nowadays, Iquitos has become very popular with Ayahuasca Ceremonies but proceed with caution.

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Iquitos Program - Wellness Tourism

4 Days / 3 Nights

Day 1: Iquitos - Pacaya Samiria Ecolodge

Welcome at the airport or hotel in Iquitos city. Transfer by private vehicle to Nauta to visit the Amazon Rescue Center (CREA Iquitos) and learn about its rescue, rehabilitation and release programs for various species of aquatic mammals and other species of endangered wildlife. At the port of Nauta we will board our private boats to visit UCAMARA, the point where the Ucayali and Marañón rivers meet to give birth to the Amazon River. Then we will continue our journey down the Marañón River to our Ecolodge. Arrival and welcome following the Kukama Kukamiria style (with welcome cocktail) Orientation and Planning Meeting. Delivery of identification and Wellness Circle merchandising items (pin, personalized polo shirts and visors). Night tour in our Private Reserve to enjoy the wide variety of insects, reptiles and other species of nocturnal habits.
Lunch & dinner

Day 2: Eco-touristic Experience in Pacaya Samiria Reserve

Yoga and Chi Yoga session early morning.  After the breakfast, we will start our journey to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, known as the Jungle of Mirrors. During the tour, guaranteed sighting of pink and grey dolphins. Sighting of at least 50 species of migratory birds and residents in the area.  We will participate in artisanal fishing using ancient techniques that the amazon fishermen use only for subsistence purposes. Interpretation walks through floodplain forests.

Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Day 3: Cocha Shiriyacu / San Jorge Community

Yoga and Chi Yoga sessions at dawn.  After breakfast we will start our boat excursion on the Marañon river towards Cocha Shiriyacu. Lunch on board. 

In the afternoon we will visit the "Community of San Jorge" (located 20 minutes from our ecolodge) where we will be received by the APU (community leader) who will invite us to interact with community members to understand their ancestral way of life and customs.

Special mention deserves our visit to the Kukama Kukamiria Women's Craft Center (Pua Kamatawara) that was promoted and supported by Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge. This visit will also include participation of our visitors in a workshop to create delicate works using unique materials such as Wingo, natural fibers such as Chambira and local seeds.   Workshop: Pacaya Mystique, narrative and theatrical representation of the myths and legends of the Peruvian Amazon.

Breakfast, lunch & dinner

Day 4: Ethnobotanic Circuit

Yoga and Chi Yoga sessions at sunrise.  To further enrich our experience, our visitors will be invited to tour a sustainable space (ethnobotanical route) recently created, where women of the Kukama Kukamiria ethnic group will share with us their ancestral knowledge regarding the functionalities of at least 10 species of medicinal and food plants of our botanical garden.

Then our visitors we will also be invited to participate in the production process of organic products (soaps, natural repellents, clay masks) that we carry out in our lodge.

Timely transfer to the hotel in city or airport.

Breakfast & lunch

What is Included

What is not included



7 Days Lima and Cusco

9 Days Lima,  Puerto Maldonado and Cusco

11 Days Lima, Cusco and Puno

18 Days Lima, Paracas, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco and Puerto Maldonado